About Us
Faculty of Allied Health Sciences (FAHS) is a constituent unit of MAHER. It has grown from strength of 70 students in 2013 to 500+ students in 2023. FAHS specifically contributes to Teaching, Learning, Research and Technology Development and Health sciences of MAHER and their extension activities. This department offers B.Sc programs that are innovative and address the emerging areas in Health Science Professional. Well-designed multidisciplinary programs together with the advantage of diverse faculty members and state-of-the art facilities graduate highly skilled experts for healthcare industry and society. Students of FAHS are imparted critical thinking ability through passionate faculty members. In addition, students are trained to acquire interpersonal and professional communication skill and to gain awareness in professional, ethical and social responsibilities. This is one college that turn out extremely useful and well trained para medical graduates who support the clinicians in medical colleges, hospitals and clinics not only in India but all over the world. In the hi-tech world of modern health care, the need for a team approach in curing illness and sustaining life is essential and it takes people with varying skills and expertise to make up the team. Advanced complex instrumentation and equipment require technocrats not only to operate but also to care and maintain them as well. These experts have to possess a strong scientific foundation and be able to perform at a much higher level than the traditionally trained technicians of the past. FAHS serves as a nodal centre for clinical and research activities, facilitated and coordinated by the Vice Principal & Professor through collaboration with other departments and institutes.