1. Alli K*, Udaya kumar M Effects of Task Oriented Approach on Affected Arm Function in Children with Cerebral Palsy, International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2016; 8(6): 529-532. .(Scopus Indexed -peer reviewed journal)
  2. Ms. k. Alli, Ms. Aasha ramanathan, a study to assess the effectiveness of oro-motor and behavioral approach to reduce tongue thrust in children with down’s syndrome Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2016 Oct ; 7(4): (B) 332 – 335. .(Scopus Indexed -peer-reviewed journal)
  3. *k.Alli, mot, (pediatrics) and c.christophel Yeshuana comparative study of two different weighted vests and its effect on joint attention in children with autism spectrum disorder. Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2017 Jan; 8(1): (B) 349 – 352..(Scopus Indexed -peer reviewed journal)
  4. *Ms. K. Alli, M.O.T and MS. B.S. Sanmathi priya, B.O.T effectiveness of exposure therapy on anxiety and sensory over responsivity among children with autism spectrum disorder, Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2017 Apr ; 8(2): (B) 436-439.