Child Health Nursing Department
The department of paediatric nursing specifically revolves around the care of neonates and children’s up to adolescence who are suffering from severe health problems and at high medical risk. The department key features mainly on providing a quick response to stressful circumstances in life threatening situations and focuses on emergency nursing care which includes handling the multifaceted trauma, stabilising children , quickly diagnosing conditions, providing on- spot solutions, administering appropriate medications, upgrading skills and knowledge in the field, remaining patient and caring for the traumatized families accompanying the children and maintaining equanimity around the children and their family members. The main aim of the department is to articulate the students in developing knowledge, skills to function as a paediatric nurse in providing holistic nursing care to neonates, children and adolescence. The department is sophisticated with variety of equipment’s, mannequins, which provides great opportunities to the under graduates and post graduates while performing procedures in the simulation corner allied to child care. The department has faculties who are very passion and experts in the field of paediatric nursing.
- Involve in teaching programmes of B.Sc. Nursing (Basic), B.Sc. Nursing (Post Basic) and M.Sc. Nursing to provide high technology care to the neonates, children and adolescents.
- Prepares the students to conduct nursing research in the field of paediatric nursing.
- Encourage the undergraduate and postgraduate students to be competent as professional nurse educator and administrator globally.
- Conduct various Continuing nursing education programs and workshops to update and benefit the students as well as the nurses working in the paediatric field.
- Observes health related days by participating in various patient care and community activities.
Assessment Strategies: OSCE – Objective Structure Clinical examination is used to assess the various skills performed by the students in different clinical situations.
Principal’s Message

Dr. Fabiola M. Dhanaraj,M.Sc.(N), PGDGC, MA(G&C), Phil(G&C), PhD(N).
Greetings from Meenakshi College of Nursing! After the pandemic, many of us may look back at the hardest time when we all were resilient stewards. The pandemic uncovered and created new opportunities for those in the field of nursing to change the society. Human beings understood the impact of health on the concepts of “live, love, pray, work, learn and play”. This awareness has radically transposed the thought process of academicians in nursing. The motto of our college is, “To Serve is Divine’. We, at Meenakshi College of Nursing, aim to nurture nurses who understands people in the context of life circumstances and serve them efficiently. Through our experienced Faculty and state of the art infrastructure, we are committed to produce competent qualified nurses to face the health care delivery system globally. Once again I extend a hearty welcome to the students and assure them of a blooming career, at one of the most prestigious Institutes of the country.