Nursing Foundation
The department of Nursing Foundation act as the “body of abstract knowledge” with the creative application through scientific research, logical analysis and skills in assisting individual to achieve optimal health. It qualifies the students to obtain abstract knowledge with the application of the scientific principles, by developing attitudes and skills that involves in the incorporation of ethics and professionalism to actual and potential problems for the treatment of human responses. It mainly focuses on the wide variety of opportunities for students and patient safety in the health care environment. The department has an experienced faculty with extensive knowledge for teaching and research activities. The Nursing foundation subject is specially deals with the B. Sc Nursing and Post Basic B. Sc Nursing in the 1st year to provide clinical services and include basic care of patients in different settings. The department also integrates parallel learning disciplines such as anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, nutrition, microbiology, psychology for safe and competent clinical practice.
- Involve in teaching programmes of B.Sc. Nursing (Basic), B.Sc. Nursing (Post Basic) and M.Sc. Nursing.
- Conduct CNE, Seminar, Workshop to promote quality nursing care
- Plan and implement teaching, learning activities for the students.
- Conduct collaborative interdisciplinary research with the other departments to promote holistic learning in health care.
- Develop competencies to enhance student’s performance and involve them in patient care activities
- Observes health related days by participating in various patient care and community activities.
Assessment Strategies: OSCE – Objective Structure Clinical examination is used to assess the various skills performed by the students in different clinical situations.
Principal’s Message

Dr. Fabiola M. Dhanaraj,
M.Sc.(N), PGDGC, MA(G&C), Phil(G&C), PhD(N).
Greetings from Meenakshi College of Nursing! After the pandemic, many of us may look back at the hardest time when we all were resilient stewards. The pandemic uncovered and created new opportunities for those in the field of nursing to change the society. Human beings understood the impact of health on the concepts of “live, love, pray, work, learn and play”. This awareness has radically transposed the thought process of academicians in nursing. The motto of our college is, “To Serve is Divine’. We, at Meenakshi College of Nursing, aim to nurture nurses who understands people in the context of life circumstances and serve them efficiently. Through our experienced Faculty and state of the art infrastructure, we are committed to produce competent qualified nurses to face the health care delivery system globally. Once again I extend a hearty welcome to the students and assure them of a blooming career, at one of the most prestigious Institutes of the country.