Faculty of Occupational Therapy organised Continuing Occupational Therapy Education Programme on the topic “Shifting Perspectives towards disability” on 20/06/2024. The event took place in Auditorium, MAHER. 90 students of FOT and 10 faculties participated in the same. The program started with a formal inauguration which was graced by Pro Vic Chancellor Prof Dr.C.Krithika, and Registrar Dr.Sureka.V. Dr.Deepa Sundareswaran, Principal, FOT welcomed the dignitaries and the participants. Pro Vice Chancellor Prof.Dr.C.Krithika addressed the gathering and emphasized the importance of COTE. The Chief guest was Dr.Gurunagarajan, Former senior social worker, dept of PMR, CMC Vellore and Guest of honour – Dr.Samson Daniel, Head of Operations National center for Assistive and Health Technologies – IIT M. The Chief guest shared insights about Different models of rehabilitation and Assistive Technology . Ms.Anushka Nanoo, Physiotherapist spoke about the different types of orthosis .
Mr.Poornachandran and Ms.Viji shared their experience as Peer trainer for Spinal cord injury. The program ended with Vote of thanks by Dr.Hasti Divecha, Assistant Professor FOT