Student Grievances Redressal Committee
Functions of the Grievances Redressal Cell
- The institutions under MAHER will protect the College’s dignity by promoting friendly student-student and student-teacher relationships, as well as guaranteeing a strife-free atmosphere in the College which will be overseen regularly by the Vice Chancellor.
- To establish a responsive, accountable, and easily accessible mechanism for the resolution of grievances with the help of the committee members headed by Vice Chancellor.
- The university Grievance cell deal with complex issues in a considerate manner in order to alleviate the oppressive situation.
- The university Grievance cell makes college administrators more accessible, accountable, and pleasant in their interactions with students.
- They ensure that student issues are effectively addressed in a fair and equitable manner.
- The Grievance Cell will ensure that the grievance is correctly resolved within the time frame set by the cell.
- Conducting regular meetings of student redressal committee
- Creating awareness on student redressal mechanism
- To monitor and respond to students grievances.
- To encourage the Students to express their grievances / problems freely and frankly, without any fear of being victimized
- To provide the Students access to hassle free mechanism to have their Grievances redressed.
- To ensure fair, impartial and effective solutions of the grievances
- To co-ordinate between students and Departments / Sections to redress the grievances
- To develop a responsive and accountable attitude towards the students so that harmonious atmosphere always prevailed in the University.
Composition of Committee
S.No | Name of the Faculty/ Student | Designation/College; | Role of Committee Member | Phone Number |
1 | Dr.N. Ambalavanan | Meenakshi Ammal Dental College and Hospital | Chairperson | 9841052868 |
2 | Prof.Dr. Lilly Christopher | Dean, Student Affairs | Member Secretary | 9981307063 |
3 | Dr. C. Burnice Nalina Kumari | Student Council Co ordinator, MAHER | Member | 9790944335 |
4 | Dr. Jayanthi | Faculty Coordinator, Meenakshi Medical College Hospital and Research Institute | Member | 9629016762 |
5 | Dr. Lambodaran G | Faculty Coordinator, Meenakshi Ammal dental college and Hospital | Member | 984946334 |
6 | Ms. Sally Jane | Faculty Coordinator, Arulmigu Meenakshi College of Nursing | Member | 9487392605 |
7 | Dr.Anitha.J | Faculty Coordinator, Meenakshi College of Nursing | Member | 8939660017 |
8 | Ms. Divya. S | Faculty Coordinator, Faculty of Physiotherapy | Member | 9994548137 |
9 | Dr.Pooja.R | Faculty Coordinator, Faculty of Occupational therapy | Member | 9042210301 |
10 | Dr. Ambika | Faculty Coordinator, Faculty of Humanities and sciences | Member | 8489118115 |
11 | Ms. Archana | Faculty Coordinator, Faculty of allied Health Science | Member | 8610174787 |
12 | Dr.D.UmaMaheswari | Faculty Coordinator, Faculty of Yoga sciences and therapy | Member | 7708022722 |
13 | Ida Evangeline | Student Coordinator, Meenakshi Medical College Hospital and Research Institute | Member | 9566722085 |
14 | Gayathri E | Student Coordinator, Meenakshi Ammal dental college and Hospital | Member | 7339454110 |
15 | Ms. Pricella Rana | Student Coordinator, Arulmigu Meenakshi College of Nursing | Member | 8744067377 |
16 | Ms.Priyadharshini | Student Coordinator, Meenakshi College of Nursing | Member | 6383759654 |
17 | Joel Joshi | Student Coordinator, Faculty of Physiotherapy | Member | 9894805828 |
18 | Mr.Dharmayuv | Student Coordinator, Faculty of Occupational therapy | Member | 9360599569 |
19 | Ms. Monisha | Student Coordinator, Faculty of Humanities and sciences | Member | 9840565983 |
20 | Mr. Thilak | Student Coordinator, Faculty of allied Health Science | Member | 6384036754 |
21 | V.Anniyappan | Student Coordinator, Faculty of Yoga sciences and therapy | Member | 9444282262 |
Timely Redressal Action by Grievance Redressal Cell
- The institution has transparent mechanism of timely redressal of student grievances
- Depending upon the seriousness of the problems the issues are resolved by the committee under the guidance of Principal in consultation with the members of management and faculty
- Committee shall consider the appeal of the student and make appropriate recommendations to the reasonable time preferably within 15 days
- While dealing with the complaint the committee at all levels shall observe the law of natural justice and the hear the complaints from the concerned students.
- Student can write complaint and drop them in the complaint box or can submit online Grievance redressal form.
Mechanism of Grievance Redressal Cell
The committee works towards resolving the complaint lodged by the student. The complaint management mechanism will work under two levels namely Department / College / Institutional and University . Anyone with the genuine grievance may approach to the HOI / Principal and members of SGRC. The students can state their grievance regarding any academic and non- academic matter within the campus. In case the student is unwilling to appear in person, written grievance may be dropped in the “Complaint Box” situated in the administrative building of the College / Institution. A provision for online grievances is also available at Grievances Portal on University website and it is ensued that this information is known by each student. Students are informed that making a complaint is serious and they have to use their chance in a responsible manner. At the same time the University ensures that their identity will not be revealed to anyone and their complaint will be treated confidentially. The complaint management mechanism is done as enumerated below,
- Students can access the suggestion – box, placed in the College administrative block to reach out to the authorities for grievance – redressal. They may even mail the same to at Grievances Portal on University website.
- Upon receiving the complaint (s) the committee fixes a date for a meeting to take up as item (s) on its agenda.
- Members discuss the grievance (s) and arrive at the best solution (s) to be proposed as necessary action.
- The committee then forwards the grievance (s) along with proposed solutions to the respective Dean / Registrar / the Vice Chancellor and follows up to ensure redressal within the stipulated time period.
- Upon completion of the proceedings the committee communicates the final decision on the notice board for the information of all students especially to the complaints.
- The complaint (s) is / are thereafter considered as disposed off and closed.