Board of Research

Meenakshi Academy of Higher Education and Research (MAHER) is dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in research and strives to build a research conducive culture, as a part of its educational excellence model, for the development and promotion of scientific temper and research aptitudes among its faculty members, students, and research scholars. The Institution provides all necessary infrastructure and resources to promote research at the levels of constituent colleges. For an effective working of the system, MAHER has constituted the Board of Research (BOR) to monitor and supervise the overall scientific work carried out in MAHER and its constituent colleges. The BOR consists of not only internal members from within the Institution but also external members from other organizations who are distinguished names in their respective fields, to provide their valuable inputs and guidance in matters regarding to research and development activities. MAHER ensures effective functioning of the BOR under the guidance of Dean Research to ensure smooth functioning in conducting meaningful research, scrutiny of ethical aspects, plagiarism checking and publications related activities. The Board also oversees IPR activities, publications, consultancy projects, research grants and incentives.

S. No.Name and DesignationPosition
1.Dr. C. Krithika, Pro-Vice Chancellor, MAHERChairperson
2.Dr. P. V.Vijayaraghavan, Research Director, MAHERConvener and Member Secretary
3.Dr. V. Sureka, Registrar, MAHERInternal member
4.Dr. N. Arunagirinathan, Dean Research, MAHERInternal member
5.Dr. B. Srinivasan, Controller of Examinations, MAHERÍnternal member
6.Dr. Shyain Sivasamy, Director IQAC,MAHERInternal member
7.Dr. Manoj Prabhakar, Deputy Registrar (Academics) , MAHERInternal member
8.Dr. D. Thirumal Kumar, Assistant Registrar, MAHERInternal member
9.Dr. P. Ponmurugan, Associate Dean —IPR & Doctoral Studies, MAHERInternal member
10Dr. A. Pavithra , Associate Dean — Consultancy, MAHERInternal member
11Dr. P. Balakrishnan, Professor & Chief Scientist-Infectious Diseases, MAHER Internal member
12Dr. Valli Nachiyar, Dean Publications, MAHERInternal member
13Dr. Pushpa Nagini Sripada, Director-Online Education, MAHERInternal member
14Dr. K. Srividhya, Associate Dean – Academics, MAHERInternal member
15Dr. K. V.Rajasekhar, Dean, MMCHRIInternal member
16.Dr. N.Muninathan, Reseai ch Scientist, MMCHRIInternal member
17.Dr. Dr. S. Renuka, Research Scientist, MMCHRIInternal member
18.Dr. V. C. Punitha, Epidemiologist, Dept. of Community Medicine Research Coordinator , MMCHRIInternal member
19.Dr. N.Velinurugan, Principal , MADCHInternal member
20.Dr. B. Kavitha, Professor & HOD —Oral Pathology / Research Coordinator, MADCHInternal member
21.Dr. S. Manikandan, Dean International Relations, MADCHInternal member
22.Dr. R. Ponnulakshmi, Research Scientist, MADCHInternal member
23.Dr. Fabiola M Dhanaraj, Principal, MCONInternal member
24.Dr. B. Jayabharathi, Vice Principal / Research Coordinator , MCONInternal member
25.Dr. D. Chainundeeswari, Principal, MFPInternal member
26.Mrs. S. Annie Arockia Sheila, Assistant Professor /Research Coordinator, MFPInternal member
27.Dr. R. Parthasarathy, Principal, FPT, MAHERInternal member
28.Dr. P. V. Hari hara Subramanian, Assistant Professor / Research Coordinator, FPT, MAHERInternal member
29.Dr. S. Deepa Principal , FOT, MAHERInternal member
30.Mrs. Hasti Divecha, Assistant Professor / Research Coordinator, FOT, MAHERInternal member
31.Dr. V.
Ramnath, Principal, FAHS, MAHER
Internal member
32.Dr. K. S. Sridevi Sangeetha , Vice Principal (Academics)/Research Coordinator, FAHS, MAHERInternal member
33.Dr. P. Sagayaraj, Dean- FHS, MAHERInternal member
34.Dr. V. Shanthi, Principal, FHS, MAHERInternal member
35.Dr. G. Amala Karthiga, Assistant Professor / Research Coordinator, Dept. of Tamil, FHS,MAHERInternal member
36.Dr. V. Subbulakshmi, Principal / Research Coordinator, FYST, MAHERInternal member
37.Dr. D. Nalini, Research Scientist, Dept. of Research, MAHERInternal member
38.Dr. S. Sivamalar, Research Scientist, Dept. of Research, MAHERInternal membei
39.Dr. A. Josephine, Research Scientist, Dept. of Research, MAHERInternal meniber
40.Dr. K. Karunanidhi, Research Associate, Dept. of Research, MAHERInternal member
41.Dr Alex Eapen, M.Sc., PhD, Scientist ‘F’/ Deputy Director (Sr Grade) & Officer-in-Charge, ICMR – National Institute of Malaria Research, Professor, Faculty of Biological Sciences, AcSIR.External Member
42.Dr. Luke Elizabeth Hanna Scientist ‘F’ & Head Department of Virology & Biotechnology ICMR-National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis Chennai.External Member