Finance Committee

Composition of Committee

2Prof.Dr.C.KrithikaPro Vice Chancellor
3Mrs. Jayanthi RadhakrishnanTrust Nomiee
4Prof.Dr.V.Sureka VaralakshmiExecutive Council Nominee
5Prof.Dr.G.LambodaranExecutive Council Nominee
6Mr.P.T.PonniahExecutive Council Nominee
7To be appointedUGC Nominee
8Mrs. Gomathi RadhakrishnanChancellor Nominee
9Mr. Akash PrabhakarChancellor Nominee
10Mr. Prabhakar EdwardChancellor Nominee
11Mrs. G. MercibaEx - Officio Secretary
2Prof.Dr.C.KrithikaPro Vice Chancellor
3Mrs. Jayanthi RadhakrishnanTrust Nomiee
4Prof.Dr.V.Sureka VaralakshmiExecutive Council Nominee
5Prof.Dr.G.LambodaranExecutive Council Nominee
6Mr.P.T.PonniahExecutive Council Nominee
7To be appointedUGC Nominee
8Mrs. Gomathi RadhakrishnanChancellor Nominee
9Mr. Akash PrabhakarChancellor Nominee
10Mr. Prabhakar EdwardChancellor Nominee
11Mrs. G. MercibaEx – Officio Secretary