1 | Prof. Dr. C.Sridhar | Vice Chancellor | Chairman |
2 | Mrs. Jayanthi Radhakrishnan | Chancellor | Management Representative |
3 | Mr. Akash Prabhakar | Pro Chancellor | Senior Administrative Officer |
4 | Prof. Dr. C.Krithika | Pro Vice Chancellor | Senior Administrative Officer |
5 | Prof.Dr. Sureka Varalakshmi. V | Registrar | Senior Administrative Officer |
6 | Dr. Srisanthanakrishnan V | Associate Dean Admissions, Accreditation and Statutory Compliance | Senior Administrative Officer |
7 | Prof. Dr. Parimala K | IQAC Coordinator, MMCHRI | Member |
8 | Dr. Anitha Logaranjini K | IQAC Coordinator, MADCH | Member |
9 | Prof. Harihara Subramaniam P.V | IQAC Coordinator, MAHER-FPT | Member |
10 | Ms. Hasti Divecha | IQAC Coordinator, MAHER-FOT | Member |
11 | Mr.Praveen Kumar S | IQAC Coordinator, MAHER-FAHS | Member |
12 | Dr. Anitha K | IQAC Coordinator, MAHER-FHS | Member |
13 | Prof. Javabharathi B | IQAC Coordinator, MCON | Member |
14 | Mr. Dinesh Kumar R | IQAC Coordinator, AMCON | Member |
15 | Dr. Annie Arockia Sheila S | IQAC Coordinator, MFP | Member |
16 | Mr. P.C.R Suresh | Director, ESiGo Consulting | Industry Representative |
17 | Prof. Dr. Ragu Ganesh M | Private Practitioner | Alumni Representative |
18 | Mr Ashwin S | Junior Manager Environment, Foundation of India | Representative of the Society |
19 | Mr Sugunesh/ Mr Rithesh | Students of MAHER | Student Representatives |
20 | Prof. Dr. Shyam Sivasamy | Director IQAC | Member Secretary |