National Education Policy (NEP) 2020
- The NEP Cell of Meenakshi Academy of Higher Education and Research was constituted on 22.01.2022 in compliance with the UGC notice D.O.F. No. 1-4/2021(QIP) dt. 18.11.2021.
- The NEP Cell consists of 5 external experts and 31 internal experts with the Vice-Chancellor of MAHER being the Chairperson.
- The NEP Cell holds the meetings at regular intervals to identify suitable domains to implement the NEP-2020 guidelines.
Towards a More Holistic and Multidisciplinary Education
MAHER has signed Memorandum of Understanding on 19.04.2023 with Apparel Made-Ups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council which is authorized by National Skill Development Council.
This was initiated to start B.Voc. Programme in Fashion Design and Technology at MAHER.
The following four new Programmes are introduced in the Faculty of Humanities and Science from the academic year 2023-24 as per NEP-2020 guidelines:
- B.Com. General (Hons./ Research)
- B.A. English (Hons./ Research)
- B.Sc. Psychology (Hons./Research)
- B.Sc Computer Science (Hons./Research)
The Board of Studies was constituted with internal & external experts to ensure comprehensive curriculum.
The same was approved by Academic Council & Executive Council of MAHER.
Academic Bank of Credits (ABC)
- Academic Bank of Credits (ABC) was adopted by MAHER.
- A Nodal Officer was deputed to implement ABC and his details are available on MAHER website.
- To date, a total of 2278 students from MAHER have created their Academic Bank Accounts on the ABC portal.
- Mentioning of ABC ID of the students are made mandatory on all the examination related documents.
Setting up Start-Up Incubation Centres
- MAHER Innovation & Incubation Center (MAHER-IIC) was established in 2020.
- MAHER-IIC is recognized as a Business Incubator to implement Incubation Components by MSME Innovative Scheme.
- MAHER’s Institution Innovation Council was selected by the MoE’s Innovation Cell for conducting IPR Impact Lecture Series for the year 2021-22.
- Two of our students were recently awarded by Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute, Government of Tamil Nadu for their innovative ideas.
Optimal Learning Environments
- CBCS/Elective are implemented in Faculty of Nursing, Faculty of Humanities & Science, Faculty of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, and Faculty of Yoga Science and Therapy.
- Competency Based Medical Education (CBME) and Outcome Based Education (OBE) have been implemented in Medicine & Dentistry.
- Medical and Dental students have a choice of elective posting for 15 days during internship.
Motivated, Energized, and Capable Faculty
Following initiatives are undertaken to motivate and energize our faculty members:
- Research incentives
- Intra mural grants
- Financial support to attend conferences & advanced studies
- Financial support for Intellectual Property Rights
- Commendation awards
- Group Insurance scheme

Motivated, Energized, and Capable Faculty
Scholarships awarded to meritorious students for MBBS and BDS based on the NEET score.

Provide more financial assistance and scholarships to socio-economically disadvantaged students
Beneficiaries of scholarships:
- Candidates who have secured 90% or more marks in the qualifying examination, irrespective of the board (for students belonging to community other than SC/ST).
- SC/ST students who have secured 60% or more marks in the qualifying examination, irrespective of the board.
- Children of a single parent with low income.
- Children of ex-servicemen – personnel who served in Defence Forces in any cadre.
- Children of MAHER employees.
- Siblings of MAHER alumnus.
- Candidates who are to become the first graduate in the family.
- Physically challenged candidates.
- MAHER alumnus applying for Post Graduation.
- Students who won medal in National/International level sports events in the previous academic year.
Increase employability potential of higher education programmes
MoU between TN Apex Skill Development Council for Healthcare (TNASDCH) and Meenakshi Medical College Hospital & Research Institute was exchanged on the stage of the event “TN Healthcare Skills Summit – 2023 which was held on 23rd June, 2023 at The TN Dr. MGR Medical University, Chennai.
MoU focuses on implementation of the Skilling, up skilling and comprehensive training programs in healthcare for the students of Meenakshi Medical College Hospital & Research Institute.

Develop more degree courses taught in Indian languages and bilingually
Introduced B.A. Tamil & M.A. Tamil in the Faculty of Humanities and Science in 2022-23 and 2023-24, respectively.
- The Faculty of Yoga Science and Therapy at MAHER is offering B.Sc and M.Sc Programmes in Yoga Science and Yoga Therapy.
- MAHER, was the only private institute in the state of Tamil Nadu to be selected for organizing the Yoga Mahotsav for the year 2022 by the Ministry of Ayush, Government of India with a fund of Rs 1,50,000.

Ensure sensitization of faculty, counsellor, and students on gender-identity issue and its inclusion in all aspects of the HEI, including curricula

Strictly enforce all no-discrimination and anti-harassment rules

Ensure all buildings and facilities are wheelchair-accessible and disabled-friendly
Disabled-friendly infrastructure and facilities are available in all campuses of MAHER.
- Lifts and ramps in all buildings,
- Pedestrian pathways with inbuilt tactile pathways
- Disabled-friendly washrooms
- Wheelchairs
- Battery-operated cars
- ICT facilities – Braille, Audio reading materials, and screen reading software

Transforming the Regulatory System of Higher Education
- SWAYAM/NPTEL and other MOOC platforms are considered equivalent to courses offered and eligible for credit transfer.
- 100% financial assistance is provided to the students of humanities and science to complete SWAYAM courses.
- All faculty are encouraged to use NPTEL/SWAYAM in their curriculum delivery process.
- Faculty members are financially supported on successful completion of the course