Department of Microbiology & HICC conducted a community awareness programme regarding Antimicrobial resistance in “Arasankuppam” village PHC on November 21st 2023. About 75 village people attended the programme & got benefitted. This programme was headed by Medical Superintendent Dr.K.Boopathi ,village Panchayat head Mrs. Uma Sabapathy , Dr. Parimala UHC Medical officer incharge. Dr. Senthamarai Professor and HOD , Dept of Microbiology welcomed the gathering, followed by a special speech by the medical superintendent. Awareness speech was given by Dr.S.Sivasankari, HICC coordinator followed by a question answer session & feedback by Dr. V.J.Subha Associate prof, Dept of Microbiology. The programme ended with a certificate of appreciation from the Panchayat head for the excellent awareness given to their village people.