Faculty of Occupational therapy celebrated WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY on 05-06-2024 at FOT- MAHER. The event was organized by the Eco Club of FOT. Dr. Deepa Sundarewsaran, Principal, FOT delivered the welcome address. Dr. V. Sureka, was the chief guest for the event. Ms. Krithika R. from II year recited a Tamil Kavithai about Environment. “Each One Give One” initiative was also started on the environment day to promote growing plants. Students of FOT created awareness about land restoration and nurturing of environment by distributing seeds to the public. Dr. V. Sureka addressed the students with a talk on conserving our environment. Dr. Lilly Christopher ,Dean student Affairs addressed the students and empowered with importance of using recyclable items to conserve the environment. Dr. Hasti Divecha, Assistant professor shared a few words about the treasure island and Dr. V. Sureka unveiled the treasure island and initiated the plastic recycling. As a part of this initiative each batch was given an indoor plant to grow. Different vegetable and flowering seeds were also distributed to the Registrar, Dean Student Affairs and students as a part of this initiative.