Meenakshi Ammal Dental College & Hospital, hosted MIDAS scientific fest on November 24 th and 25th 2023 conducted by IDA Madras Branch. The chief guest for the day was Dr.S.M Balaji, Oral and maxillofacial Surgeon, Balaji Dental and Craniofacial hospital. Mrs. Jayathi Radhakrishnan, Pro chancellor, Mrs. Gomathi radhakrishnan, Interim Chancellor , Dr.C.Krithika, Pro Vice Chancellor graced the occasion. The IDA office bearers, Madras branch, actively participated in the scientific fest. Total of 18 colleges participated in the scientific events . consisting of scientific paper , poster presentations. Other events were tooth carving, quiz, table clinics and Art from waste. This scientific fest brought together students from various colleges across Tamil Nadu, fostering a dynamic learning environment.The event served as a catalyst for intellectual exchange, sparking curiosity and enthusiasm for discovery among the students.